Meet Our Herd

  • Muse

    I am our smallest but mightiest herd member. I am only 11 years old but I’m really great with kids. I love to teach new students about horse care and safety, but also how important snuggles and snacks are! When it is time to ride, I help my students feel safe, capable, and open to trying new things. I am also very brave, like my students, and on occasion will take my humans on adventures around the property, let them bathe me, or take me on grazing walks.

  • Bubbles

    I’m our newest herd member! I am bubbly and playful as they come so my name is very fitting. Making my students laugh by being silly while we explore and do mounted activities is what I’m known for. Anyone I meet is my favorite person and I love my job as a therapeutic riding horse because I get to meet so many special people.

    P.s Don’t be alarmed if you turn around and I have slowly moved my tail end towards you, I just want scritches because I think I am a dog.

  • Diego

    I’m our biggest and oldest guy. My students enjoy getting to learn new things with me because I’m a wise horse who knows a lot about riding. I can even dance! My students that enjoy the sensory of movement seem to like the way I walk and I like the challenge of matching my rhythm with the energy of my rider whether they want a safe slow ride or a fun and head-bobbing jive around the arena.

  • Osabel

    I am a sweet and sensitive mare that Good Spirit rescued in 2023 and am getting a new chance at life. I am learning the joys of life; peace, good health, and the loving care of humans.

    I have an aptness for helping others feel heard and validated by opening up and showing my own sensitivities when I meet others who know anxiety and trauma as I do. I’m here to remind my humans that it’s completely okay to move slowly when building relationships and trust. Just spending time together is all that’s needed.

  • Felicity

    I’m a Good Spirit resident and a Mustang at that! I am learning to ground drive and pull carts for my students who want to enjoy adventures from a cart instead of a saddle. I understand not everybody needs to ride to enjoy horses so if you just want to come and learn how to care for horses, take me on walks, and let me show you a few tricks I’ve learned I’d love to meet you. As for my mustang superpower, while bonding with my humans, I seem to teach them how important it is to be present, listen to each other, communicate clearly, and healthily set boundaries.

  • Chickens and Goats

    Our little critters include chickens and goats. The students love helping feed them treats and collect eggs.

  • Fluffs up a horses stall with bedding for one cozy month


  • Supports one month of hoof care for the herd


  • Sponsors one horse with a month of hay


  • Fills the barn with one month of hay for the whole herd
